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Monday, December 13, 2010

The Arrest of Peter K. Langan – January 18, 1996 [under construction]

Picture of Peter Langan's Van After Arrest

Radio Transmissions of arrest of Peter K. Langan on January 18, 1996 at 9:50 am, 585 Reinhard Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.

The date of this document is in conflict with the later testimony of Agent Woods who said that he did not even think about the tape for about three months and then turned it over to his superiors.

Transcription of Radio Transmissions During Arrest
[Link to Document]  

Items Found and Examined after Langan's Arrest.
[Link to Document]  


  1. Langan is a cross dressing queer.
    We in the White Supremacist movement only hope
    that this deviant dies in prison and so ending
    this pathetic humans life.
    Looks like a stinking Injun with his new pony tail.

  2. As well Langan was a rat,who got out of a 20 year sentence in GA and then joined ARA...

    Scum bag RAT
