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Monday, December 13, 2010

Peter Langan as Witness in Oklahoma City Bombing Case

State of Oklahoma v. Terry Lynn Nichols. re: Langan's possible plea bargain for information concerning the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. [Link to Document]

Letter from Terry Nichols defense attorney to Peter Langan on Febryary 4, 2004 concerning Langans status as witness in Nichols' Oklahoma State trial for the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. [Link to Document]

The Case That Started It All For Me

Armed Robbery of Pizza Hut in Lavonia, Georgia, October 11, 1992 - PL - "the case that started it all for me." [Link to Document]

Request for Esther Brescia to Cease Contacting Peter Langan

Langan's attorney contacts Esther Brescia, wife of Michael Brescia and granddaughter of Robert Millar (Elohim City patriarch) asking that she stop contacting and sending gifts to Mr. Langan. Langan asks why she is contacting him as  he never met Mrs. Brescia.

Request to Cease Efforts to Contact, September 8, 1998.[Link to Document]

Dismissal of Criminal Complaint against Peter K. Langan: July 25, 2000

July 25, 2000. United States of America v. Peter Kevin Langan, Motion for Leave to Dismiss and Dismissal of Complaint for the charge of armed robbery of Guaranty Bank, Glendale, Wisconsin on June 22, 1995. [Link to Document]

PL-   “this was their chance to try me again, they declined as they did in Philly, St. Loius, Omaha, K.C., Overland Park, etc.," 

The Arrest of Peter K. Langan – January 18, 1996 [under construction]

Picture of Peter Langan's Van After Arrest

Radio Transmissions of arrest of Peter K. Langan on January 18, 1996 at 9:50 am, 585 Reinhard Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.

The date of this document is in conflict with the later testimony of Agent Woods who said that he did not even think about the tape for about three months and then turned it over to his superiors.

Transcription of Radio Transmissions During Arrest
[Link to Document]  

Items Found and Examined after Langan's Arrest.
[Link to Document]  

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

FBI Lab Conclusion

 RE: Alleged pipe bomb functionality and the builders intent that the device not function. (Circa 1995-1996)

FBI Lab Conclusion [Document Link Here] 

Evidence Used in Langan Trial & Notes/ Response from Peter Langan:

A.) FBI Report Notes Concerning fake CNB Pipe Bomb as Evidence in Langan Trial  [Link to Document Here]

Peter Langan says: “This Fake Device was glued together so that it could not be modified in the field to function even if the mixture was explosive, which it was not!”  Handwritten notes on this document were penned by Frederick Whitehurst, FBI Whistle-blower. 

B.) FBI Report Notes concerning Pipe Bomb #3 Found in Van.  [Link to Document]

Peter Langan says: “This device (Pipe Bomb #3) was recovered from Chevy Van. It was handled by the same bomb squad that did CNB Device (see previous blog). The same Render Safe Procedure and Neutrex gun/slug used. This real Pipe Bomb #3 went off and the fake device from CNB did not because it could not!" 

C.) Items Recovered Subsequent to Arrest of Peter Langan [Link to Document]

Peter Langan says: “Note items 1 - 11 with particular attention to item 6 which is listed as two items (unknown white powder and smokeless powder). Question: How did they know it was smokeless before they got it to the lab and it was mixed together at crime scene so how was it separated if it was?

Also very important point – documents states “It was shipped via UPS.” Does UPS ship smokeless powder or explosive mixtures now or in 1996?

Also, the Blue Revolver becomes silver hang gun at the trial!”

Sunday, November 14, 2010

DOJ letter 1/7/97 re: Shawn Kenney

DOJ letter to Langan attorneys stating that Shawn Kenney, star government witness against Peter Langan, was charged by the U.S Army for despicable acts, including,  assault, as well as indecent acts and liberties with a child, for which he was given a minimal slap on the wrist and immediately promoted, rising quickly in rank for the next few years. 

Government acknowledges that P. Langan has information about the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing

 Timothy McVeigh's defense team learns that the government is "leaning on" Peter Langan to provide information regarding the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. It is known that Kevin McCarthy (ARA bank robber) was also a regular guest and sometimes resident of Elohim City, a white separatist community on the boarder of Arkansas and Oklahoma.

It is also known, through speeding tickets and motel records, that Timothy McVeigh was within miles of Elohim City on more than once occasion during the planning and preparation stages of the bombing plot. Furthermore, phone records (hidden from McVeigh's defense team) also show various phone calls to Elohim City, and Elohim City associates in the days prior to the bombing; including, one to a well known KKK lawyer.

Memo 9-20-96 [Link to Document]

DOT synopsis 9/14/94

Richard Lee Guthrie and Peter Langan did not rob Society Bank in Springdale, Ohio.