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Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Evidence Surfaces In The Case of Peter Langan

January 31, 2011- Concerning recent HBO special Gangland:

Newly discovered evidence in Peter Langan's case has surfaced.  The 8/6/10 episode of the History Channel's television show "Gangland" entitled "Army of Hate" included evidence withheld from Langan by law enforcement officials and prosecutors at the time of his trial, specifically regarding an informant (Shawn Kenny) whose testimony was instrumental to the conviction, but markedly false.

[Motion To Stay, Re: Gangland [Click to Link to Document]

Exhibits and Affidavits: 

Summary ( clink the link below to read more...) :

a.) The History Channels show "Gangland" episode entitled "Army of Hate" aired on the evening of  August 6, 2010. 

b)... Peter Langan and alleged co-defendant Richard Lee Guthrie (deceased) were mentioned many times in this episode.  Shawn Kenny, a government witness against Langan and others was interviewed for this show, as  were two assistant U.S. Attorneys who prosecuted his case...

c.)...Shawn Kenny made many comments during the course of the program which were at odds with his sworn testimony during the trial, and which conflicted with information given, and assertions made by the U.S Attorneys. Some of the comments made on the Gangland show constitute newly discovered evidence which could lead to the reopening of the case...

d.)... these comments concern contact Kenny had with law enforcement officials shortly after the June 8, 1994 robbery of Society Bank in Springdale, Ohio wherein Kenny's involvement in the robberies and his spending of dye stained money was discussed.  Kenny was spending dye stained money obtained from the bank robbery shortly after the robbery ... in his own neighborhood! On the Gangland episode Kenny claims he lied to law enforcement officials about how he obtained this money. These lies were also the lies told during his court testimony.

e.) information about Kenny's prior contact with law enforcement officials was turned over to Langan at the time of trial, although since the time of Langan's conviction supporting evidence of Kenny's prior relationship with law enforcement has surfaced from other sources...(See Exhibits)...

f.) this is evidence of violations of Jenks Act 18 USC 3500 and violations of Brady v. Maryland. It is also  impeachment material and evidence of perjury by prosecutors. 

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Exhibit Two pertains to documents obtained by freelance journalist Leslie Blade and provided to Peter Langan in 2004.  $1,015 of bank robbery money (half the proceeds of the robbery itself) was spent by Kenny in his own neighborhood shortly after the robbery. Kenny testified in court that he received $200 from Richard Guthrie simply for surveillance of the bank in preparation for the robbery. This document was not turned over to Langan's defense attorneys. 

Exhibit Three: Domestic Violence offense report, dated 6/10/94. Kenny had dye stained bank robbery money within at least two days of the bank robbery itself. His wife called the police to notify them that her husband had robbed a bank. 

Exhibit 3 Shawn Kenny Complaint [Click to Link to Document]

Exhibit 4 (a, b, c, ) and Exhibit 5 (a,b,c):  

Exhibit 4 is a  fax cover sheet and draft affidavit that the U.S. Attorneys office tried to get Cincinnati Police Officer Matthew Moning to sign. He refused to sign, saying the affidavit was "wrong" and "completely false and total misrepresentations of what I told authorities." 

Exhibit 5 is the signed and notarized Affidavit of Matthew Moning of June 9, 2004. It shows clearly that Shawn Kenny lied about the dye stained money and that the U.S. Attorneys knew this. In fact, it further shows that Kenny must have been questioned at some point about the money and that the U.S. Attorneys knew this as well.